Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hate, Hate and More Hate

I found these essays to be thought provoking and definitely worthwhile to read. I have always thought that the arguments and dissension surrounding the First Amendment interesting. The decision of where to draw the line on free speech has always been a touchy subject.

I agree with the views of keeping free speech actually “free.” One idea cannot be banned or forbidden without others also being banned. Everyone would still have to be treated equal, which would mean that pretty much everything could eventually cause dissension and therefore would have the grounds to be banned.

I have never really run into this problem before since I am from a dinky little town. The closest I have come to banned topics would most likely be the Pledge of Allegiance. At least at my school, we could still say it in the mornings, but we were not forced to.

Hate speech is always a prickly topic. Should it be banned? But where would the line be drawn, how would we determine what would be considered hate speech? There is no way to fairly determine what hate speech would be defined as without eventually going down the “slippery slope.” Honestly, as the authors of the essays mention, the best way to get rid of hate speech is for people to ignore it and stop paying attention to it. The “hate” speakers should be talked to and rationalized with. Possibly talked to about his feelings and hopefully someone could find out why the need to put others down is present.

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