Friday, March 14, 2008

Are YOU Concerned?

I honestly think that all of these topics could be interesting and worthwhile to present to a college audience. However, some of the topics would probably be best if they were presented to a specific audience of college students. A specific group as in the topic pertains to the audience’s major or career, thus they would more likely be interested in the subject.

I would say that about half of the subjects would interest the general college audience. The topics concerning Cancer, Diets, Jobs, Hurricanes, Minorities, and alternative fuels would all most likely concern and interest the general population of college students. All of those topics concern the nearby future of all peoples including college students. Some of the topics concern their health while the others concern their environment.

The other topics such as, Japan in 1945, boys in school, racial problems, past presidents, and political activists would mostly concern only those college students that are involved in history majors, education or who will become future politicians. Generally people do not care to sit for 45 minutes to listen to a speech about the past, or to listen to events that have already happen and that cannot be changed. People would much rather spend their time learning about the here and now that specifically concerns their specific person.


Worth Weller said...

well...I agree to some extent, but that is a little bit of navel gazing, so to speak. The thing with history, is that it saves us from the future. If we had understood the Vietnamese culture and history, we might have saved 57,000 American lives; if we had understood more clearly how the Great Powers carved up the Middle East after WW1, we might have avoided the present quagmire in Iraq. But i agree that topics need to be relevant to specific audiences - well put.

Nichole Nelson said...

You are right on the idea that every topic can be argued to the right audience. But you do have to be careful getting to specific and generalizing. Becuase people are in college, they may care more for history and such. It is all a matter of relevance to what an individual likes. Another thing about college; every individual CHOOSES where he or she wants to go. If you do not like the topic, you don't go to the lecture. College students can be anyone, so it is hard to generilize with the topics we were presented with.