Sunday, March 23, 2008


After I had most of this post already typed, I went to upload the graph that I used and realized that it would not let me copy or even save it. I found it at USA Today under the snapshots. The graph was called “The Perfect Age for Women.” It is under the Life link and it should be the sixth picture or graph you see if you scroll through.

To start off I am going to make a few general comments about how the aging of women is usually viewed. The general consensus is that you are automatically “Old” once you hit the doddering age of forty. However, with all of the technology of today’s world such as vitamins and surgery, women are less likely to see their lives as “over” once they hit the Big Four “O.” According to this graph a whole 23% say that the best age for a woman is forty years or over.

On the other hand, this graph could also be interpreted to say that 29% of the women polled said that the ages of 31-40 are the best ages for a woman to be. This graph also shows that a whole 35% of women say the best age is 21-30. All together a total of 70% of the women polled said that the best age for a woman to be was 40 or under. This shows that most women still view their lives as over once they hit 40 years of age. This graph also shows that the main ages women wish to be are 21-30.

I always find it interesting how numbers can be manipulated to fit any purpose. Depending on how a person looks at it, 23% of the women in the United States would seem like a lot. However, when compared to the 70% of women who think that having fewer than 40 years is better, the 23% seems incredibly trivial.

Once again, I am sorry about the lack of the graph.

1 comment:

Nichole Nelson said...

I had the same problem with the graph. It would not copy for me either, so I just posted the link to the page. It is so interesting how graphs and facts can be streached in so many different ways! One person can see it one way, and another a seperate way. That explains a lot in our society.